Tuesday, September 30, 2008

holland, a good place for education

hey everyone:) my last paper is on friday! yay (damn i sound so kiddish)
anyway. had chinese paper today. during the course of the paper, there were some weird loud noises.
i swear gozilla was in singapore! the floor shook every 5 minutes or so, echoed by a "boooom" that came from the left side of the badminton hall. i wanted to get out of my seat and run out! (oh im serious)

so much for being a wuss...
took a plane with nat, jm and fernando to holland:) and went to our fave. fast food since sec sch. BK! (not bak kua.)

i was talking about my pw teacher, mr lim, who pass away.
and nat suddenly talked abt this actor who died.
then came fernando who told us of another person who died. ( im like, what the hell. since when were we comparing how many ppl we knew, died?)
jm was feeling the pressure as he did not know anyone who died. then he suddenly said:" W.C DIED"
i swear, that was the loudest "wtf" i ever said in public! sorry newtown:) (inside joke)

and jm asked why arent there many young kids appearing on the obituaries. fernando was like: "thats good wad" hahaha. jm got jacked. well, being a nice guy, i explained to jm the reason unlike evil nando.
well simple. they appeared on kid central.
is it snowing? suddenly very cold.......

oh. and we thought of ways to con BK:)
wanna get a refund for chicken tenders? eat 1 of them and put a french fry into the box. and scold the aunty for only giving you 5. or if you like, eat all of them and put 6 french fries back:)
wanna get a refund for your coke? drink it half way, and add considerable amounts of ketchup and bbq sauce before adding water:)
hmmm. i feel like im running a cheat code site.
CHEAT CODES for : Final BKasy 2.1

see. i told you. holland is a good place to educate yourself!
see you ppl!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

sorry everyone. my blog has been quite dead recently. dont have time. (guess need to buy more watches so got more time) :)
everyday just study. dont even have to time to smell my armpit:( ya. but it's real stoopid. when i feel like doing sth besides studying, i feel guilty, the feeling sucks la. have not touched my racket for so long.
anyway. next week is the start of promos. all e best everyone. ( i think i should wish myself too, i need luck the most)

tags: and ya. just realized i scared all the professional sports players. hahaha. besides usain.
cong: happy? i blogged already :)

good luck wilson. (siao)
mark and caleb! meet up after promos k?