Saturday, November 15, 2008

alright, blogging time.
so ytd was fmps grad. nite
yup, was there with caleb, nat, jacon, yanling, joy and joyeyoyeyoyeyoy [ah! i remembered the last "y"] :)
we were more or less the facilitators cos we are the lau jiaos, or aka alumni
yup, quite fun i must say:) jump, jump, jump. sing sing sing:)
hahahha, the BGs. lol and the camera (inside joke between me and caleb) welcome to macpherson sec! another inside joke:)
ya. drop dead tired by the time i got home...

today morning had friendly with UWC. well, was supposed to be one of the earliest in sch, but in the end, i was the latest... why? ask the bus driver! he thinks he is bloody kimi raikonnen or alonso or sth. driving like F1. then he breaked out of nowhere (guess he realized he forgot to buy insurance for himself or sth), which cos me to lose my footing, and BAM!, there goes my wrist against the handle bar, which hurt like!##%$%#^%$
it already hurt before, but it was actually recovering, but xie xie ni uncle...
so i had to get my butt home to get my wrist guard, which in turn cause me to be late. hmph:(
now i know why there's only one driver in the F1 car, cos passengers lifes would be endangered!
luckily he dint think he was david blaine, if not he will start teleporting us to our destinations!

anyway, won 2 out of 3 matches.
overall ac won too:)

im super tired shall stop

it's not abt attracting unnecessary trouble. such problems come to you.
i do in fact trust that you can defend yrself and be on your fullest guard.
but they appear at your door step even w/o you inviting them. understand?:(
sorry for nagging.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

hey:) just catched up with caleb, joy and joyeyoyeyo!
haha. met at ikea. ate at anchor point food court.
talked abt so many things, one regarding joy's back. apparently, she cant take cold stuff. cos it will affect her back. poor thing. she takes so many pills, it's kinda scary. so fatty asked, " er, how many pills do you take"
*picture this. joy puts her pills in this small little cute box which is divided into 4 sections.
so joy replied," one corner(of the box), a day"
caleb's mind processed it as, " one walnut, one egg"
hmmmm... caleb hasnt change... haiz.. food food and MORE food! tsk tsk:)

then we went to secret recipe for dessert.
poor joy yeo cant eat cheese:(
and joy sim cant eat cold stuff ( one walnut, one egg)
well, i settled for choc, fudge, or was it mud cake, arghhh wadever la, all chocolate, no diff.
and OH! must try their new item, *additional scoop, which is on the last page!* :)

and from time to time, joy sim took pics, apparently using caleb and i as backgrounds. tsk tsk :( hahaha
to caleb. hahaha you got riped off for your supposedly exotic, 100% pure jolly shandy apple drink... its just zapple!:)
yup, we then hopped over to ikea to check out some stuff for natty.

oh well, had fun giggling at stupid stuffs with fatty. sweets that look real wrong:)
and i think i need to check up on my brain... somehow i process things differently from others...
"inverted loser" for chicken wings... hmmm, i seriously think i need help :)

get well, mr pai ka. aka mark ho... LOSER! lol kidding.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

davydenko beats tsonga, 6-7, 6-4, 7-6(7-0) whooo!
zachary and his dad beat chun hsiang and i
hey! to those ppl going for the tennis clinic, rmb it start 4-6pm tml, monday 9 nov!
hope for good weather or else we'll be stuck in the badminton hall. arghh( more work for the logistics site, arhhhh)
well, have been slacking and my tummy's getting fatter by the day. walao. damn sian
im so damn thin everywhere but not my tummy! why???
and everyone on facebook is asking me if im attached. argh.. stupid relationship status. retarded la. lol

i am as bored as a board, which has no life...