Thursday, July 23, 2009

hmmm, not many people know about my life. well, im not saying that there are actually ppl dying to know. but oh well, it shall be my topic for today's post:) "WILSON's life. part 1"...

what is wilson sum like? as qouted from mark ho : "uhh.. from afar, he looks very mature, that's only if he does not opens his mouth" ouch...

well, i suppose that there are SOME truth in it.(damn you mark) uh.. ya. im a fun loving guy. cant get serious at all. i hate being serious. it's not me. i love making ppl smile:) so its rather true, that im a child at times. if i ask mark for his opinion, he'll say "all the time" grrrr.

this sucks. i'm not that childish! take a look at my face when i'm on the train, the bus, or anywhere when i'm alone. it's probably one of the blackiest shit you've ever seen. SEE! i can be serious!

oh damn, this totally matches what mark said about me" from afar, mature. open mouth... *toot*" arghhhh.

im off to bed:(
stupid post:(

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

alright, it's time to breathe some life into my blog. the last time i really blog was like.... last dec? whoa and it's like July now.
so what i've been up to lately if you ppl are wondering...
1) study
2) eat
3) sleep
4) study...
5) maybe a bit of tennis?
yadda yadda donkey kong.

have been appearing online more often than usual cos i've got a new com:) what a lousy time to get one, (I SHOULD BE STUDYING NOW! NOT BLOGGING)

argh... im quite surprised by myself that im actually taking my studies seriously. (oh no, the world is going to end... when has wilson taken something seriously?!)

besides tennis:)
i so wanna be a professional. screw it, i stuck with books instead. i want BALLS! tennis balls...

zzzzz. Oh, tml i'm going to attend a concert, and it'll be my first time watching sth at the esplande. (hmm, i think i just heard someone say im suay ku---> dumb? not up to date? argh, who has a hokkien-english translator?)

seeing the guys tml. haha.
to mark( no alcohol for you) :)
alright, time to teleport back to my study table...

Monday, June 29, 2009

i really hope it isnt what im guessing. if it is. it's over.