Monday, May 26, 2008

will be away kayaking in the sea the next two days.
oh well, sure get chao tar. pray for safety.
till thursday. it is row row row yr boat, gently down the sea...

Saturday, May 17, 2008

beat it

lol. im addicted to the song beat it by FOB and john mayer.
anyway. ytd was a depressing day. 4-1.. it was so close.. oh well, life needs to continue. i swear to avenge my lost next year. as for my short term goal, i'll take sajc as my outlet for venting frustrations. you guys better buy insurance.

argh.. weng cheong is away in thailand. sawadicup! cup cup cup cup cup cup cup...
when weng cheong is away. the whole family goes out to play! ya. except me :(
mummy is like out enjoying herself, so is sis. and here i am stuck at home.. and BURNT!
stupid sun. why so bright? do you know i almost died? and you gave me a fright in the night. make sure you repay me with sprite! or i'll fight you with all my might and make sure you lose some dendrite.
shit la. wad the pong did i just type...

(for those who cant stand my rhyme)
would you please forgive me?
you.. you know.. when i grow up...
i wanna be a taxi driverrrrr...

arghh. CHAO TAR!!!
hmm, but maybe i did go out and play when weng cheong is away :X

Thursday, May 15, 2008

it's now or never..

tml, ACJC tennis boys are going to put everything on the line. the stakes are high. the odds are against us. but with self belief, we will pull through as a team. we will!
my first ever semi finals match.. the feeling is just so unbelievable. to be able to play for the college, it's the most honourable thing tt can happen. tml is the day we will show what a true AC warrior is.

extracted from marc's speech: " we go out there like OWN the courts. the net, the baseline, we own them! no one is going to take that from us. Any complacency that they have within them, we make them pay! there's no backing down, we will fight! for the j2s, tml is the last semi finals appearance, after this, we will not be stepping foot on these grounds anymore. for the j1s, you will have to wait another year to get back here. the time has come where we avenged our semi finals lost last year. so show me what a true AC warrior has within him! "

hell ya. im so gonna put in my very best effort. i remember my promise that i made at the very top of oldam wing. ( i will not let anyone down, i will play my very best and whatever the outcome, i will be able to hold my head up high)

the best is yet to be.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

two days more

today was match day against HCJC. won 4-1. getting pumped up for friday's match.
well. its rjc we are up against. haha. its gonna be a tough fight. better buy insurance to keep myself safe. hmm, rjc is real strong. their first 11 players are singapore's top 11 players! whoohoo. but i dont give a damn. the ball is round and we are so not going to give up without a fight.

guys remember: its not the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog!
im tired. im drained. i cant think. i cant function. tennis is the only thing getting my mind off everything else..

Monday, May 5, 2008

sumday(aka monday)

boys played SRJC today. total score: 4-1 (no more 5-0 rampage)
1st singles: nich tan: 9-0
2nd singles: levu: 9-2
1st doubles: aaron & chun hsiang: err. i dunno the score! lol but its a win!
2nd doubles : marc & i: 9-0 (yay! ><)
3rd singles: zach: 7-9 (was real close man. but he did us proud. he was against someone real solid)

playing hua chong jc on wednesday and raffles on friday. whoohoo. adrenaline rush.
anyway. rushed back skool after my match. all say share cab. then at the end pangseh!

took a photo of nathanael's nostrils by accident! lol retarded.. and my dad doesnt work at the construction side! :)

well, went back home with _ (pss. i contacted the 200 bus uncle and ask him to drive slowly :P)
saw zestin at jurong library. quite nice of him to wake me up from lala land and notify me that i will be alighting soon.

well, enough said. gotta do my maths tutorials if not i'll end up going for dc. damn.

4 days and counting to the day where we give it our all.