Sunday, May 9, 2010

Dummy's Guide to relationships

hmm, i presume my blog's dead and people wont come here anymore? perfect. just needed some place to rant. well if you happen to be reading this, then you must be a real hardcore fan as i've not blogged since god knows when and everyone knows or at least thinks that wilson sum doesnt blog anymore. so thank you for visiting my blog for whatever reason:)

yup. i dont need to explain what im about to rant on but if you happen to have an eyesight of 1000 degrees and above and missed out on my title then i shall briefly tell you what it is: Dummy's guide to relationships, lesson 101: Why nice guys will lose out to cool guys.

first, i shall define what a nice guy is(based on my perception)
nice guy: one who gives in all the time, always there when needed, willing to make sacrifices, loyal to his partner, caring, may not necessarily be good looking but his character makes up for it.

now onto the cool guy: HANDSOME ,may not be loyal, may not be caring, may not be willing to make sacrifices, may not be there when needed, may not give in at all.

well, it seems to me that at this point the nice guy has an upper hand compared to the cool guy, but wait! being nice may not mean winning over that girl you have so longed to be with.


cos nice guys tend to be taken for granted. they selflessly make so many sacrifices, always die die try to be there for her, care for her, be loyal to her etc. to a point where she feels jaded and takes such acts of love as normal.

whereas for the cool guys, they tend to be flirtatious, not that loyal, dont always care about the opposite gender's feelings and they cause a great deal of pain.
but wait, he being an asshole actually plays to his advantage. why? he has just created something, absence. unlike the nice guy who is taken for granted, this ass here has made the girl want him badly.

weird isnt it? you may be the most understanding, most loving, most caring, most loyal guy in this entire universe but somehow, somehow you still lost yr girl to a dog. you should appear on FML ya?

well being taken for granted is not the worst thing yet.
what's worse? that will be being a substitute for the cool guy.

bcos the girl is not always able to get the cool guy's attention and love and whatever fu**(oops sorry, forgotten to ask kids below the age of 18 to get the fu** out of here) she will turn to you to get them temporarily. So, when she's unable to get the cool guy, she'll just cling onto you to provide whatever she needs. but when the cool guy comes along, god knows where you have been thrown to. i dont even think google earth can track down your location. sad right? too bad. you just got owned in your face. that' life.

So now's the question i've been waiting to ask you...
Would you rather be a nice guy or a cool guy?
do some math and you would know the answer huh?

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