Sunday, December 9, 2007

what a crappy day

went out for training with jeremy in the morning and damn, it rained.
ground was wet. so being cautious little ppl, we stopped play.
but then, this old guy who set behind me suddenly talked! he talked!
he went: " young man, can i ask you something?"
me being polite( i actually wanted to kill someone at that time cos i was having problems with my game) said: yes?

old man: "why did you guys stop play?"
i was like: " e ground is wet" (wth!?)

then he said: " you guys must understand this, the court is made of non slip material, you will not fall, and if you fall, its because you do not have good balance"

i was like:" wad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????????????????????"

i must really salute this old man! he truely is TMF. (the mighty federer)

anyway, went to queensway after that, bought grips and balls
and jeremy was super duper crappy

wad's mustard?
Jeremy: its the evolution of bastard (sorry, no offence to small kids)
B for Boy, and M for Man
Boy evolves into Man!!!

then he bought this photo frame which was made of wood.
jeremy: hey wilson, feel this board
me: ok
jeremy: see, you are feeling bored!

he and his crap. haha
anyway, that's all for today. roger out!

Thursday, December 6, 2007

my back!

argh... my back hurts like crap @P$I*)O#@%()3
all thanks to training. why does my serve add so much pressure on my back and hips.
anyway. it has been raining like crap @P$%*)O#@%()3 this few days, haha.

my days have been so boring... wanna go out but no one to go out with.
only mark ho. damn, feel so gay. everyday go his house to play table tennis and halo...

i dont wanna spend my holis like this
actually, i think what i really want now is to go on holiday. i wanna go other countries.
i just realise the last time i travelled was in p6? to australia?
wa lao, all thanks to my tennis comp at the end of the year. always clash, and thats why i missed all my trips.

stoopid la..................................................................................................................................
i better win more matches this time, if not i will not be happy!!!

arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... my BACKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

which is more painful if it hits your back?
1) tennis ball?
2) volleyball?

ans: my back more painful arghhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Monday, December 3, 2007


well, i'm currently planning for my1st tennis coaching lesson tml.
need to take many things into account.

anyway. my day was fine. went out training in the morning.
had doubles training and it was real fun.
my partner and i tried many formations including the "I" formation.
overall, training was fruitful.
oh ya... pss...i should have listen to someone's advice on using sunblock. Now im really dark!

then later on went to library with my master. hahha
and it was kinda fun teaching though i forgotten most of my stuffs.
( thanks for helping me borrow the book!)

while on the bus towards home, there was this awful smell. it smelt like fart!
and all e nurses on the bus took out their handkerchiefs to cover their nose.
hahha, i wonder whose fart was that from.
it sure smelt BAD! as bad as rotten eggs+ ba chor mee+avocado juice+cheese.. ewww
( to mark: ITS NOT ME!)

i bet somebody had the final fantasy move called: bad breath, whereby the enemy gets different status effects.

better sign off, later my cpu suffocate!

Sunday, December 2, 2007


i thank God for clearing up the mess i have created.
i thank God for giving me this chance to hold onto to this friendship.
i thank God that i did not lose this friend.
i thank God that the friendship lives on.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

diediedie tennis compe. is this coming saturday...
i wonder how things will turn out...
hmm, making it to the 4th round would be hell good for me. i only started training like 2 weeks back?
hmmm, for doubles, i really hope it will be 3rd round. not really a doubles person.
anyway, just came back from vivo city, went out with naijie, eunice and fion.
had to look for presents.
there was this toy which was damn cute. you press the hand and it will start walking and singing a song. hahaha. kinda retarded as the song played twice and it was damn long.

anyway, had long johns. i know i shldnt be eating that... hahaha
tml will be slack day for me? no training, nothing... guess i'll do some reading

and wth... russia is being owned by USA in the davis cup. wa lao...
i bet 35693u6845253252 on russia lor.

oh ya. there was this incident in the toilet at vivo.
i was doing my business and there was this father and his kid.
the father was peeing while the kid was squatting in the middle of no man's land.
then the little boy ran towards the urinal.
the father immediately ask his son to wait.
but the boy had already taken off his trousers.
the father then said: " can you do it? can you do it?"
i was thinking." of course he can do it, unless his spincter muscle is damaged..."
then when the boy managed to pee, the father went: oh! well done! smart boy!
i was like" you really treat your boy like a dumb ass"
then the father said: " watch out at where you are going, careful not to spray onto the korkor(me)
parents sure are weird...