Sunday, February 17, 2008


hey guys! blogging time!
yesterday was a super tiring yet fun filled day!
usual tennis and vball training lasted from 10-5pm. wah.. after that, i was in great discomfort man.
ehem. shall not elaborate on wad kind of pain though. haha
anyway...after training, i went to jacon's house together with shuyi, robin choo and allicia.
and the first thing we did was to offer oranges to jacon! and everyone greeted him loudly by saying, "happy new year!"
i decided not to be so conventional so i shouted "GONG HEI FARK CHOY!" (ya. it wasnt intentional)

ok. wadeva. the guys wanted to play tennis so we went to the tennis court. i somehow think my senses are failing me. u see, when i first saw the tennis court, i was so happy! so happy to the extend whereby i lost my footing and stumbled. rar. i almost died!
but i think playing tennis with brian and jacon around seriously put jing ming and i under the condition of "ENDANGERED SPECIES".
let me fill you guys on what exactly happened.
brian went into a frenzy and started smashing balls. jing ming thinking that it was fun decided to join in too.
well, monkey see, monkey do. and so, jacon joined in as well. and he smashed the ball right at me! WA!
it was just inches away from my FACE LA! JACON, i know u hate me but dont like that la. tsk tsk*
and ohya! courtesy of brian, we lost two balls. lol! he whacked the first ball over the fence and into a TEMPLE!
and i shit you not, i think the ball hit a monk, as there was no chanting after that! lol( im kidding)
oh well, but all in all, it was fun playing tennis with them! :)
by the time we got back to jacon's house, nat had arrived! lol and oh PPL! nat's new name is "lornie road!" jacon's house is at bukit panjang, and i really do not know how nat can end up at lornie road. sure is funny! geography confirm very bad. maybe his compass spoil.
dinner was great! we had steamboat! and i do not know how the topic of discussions went to cup sizes(ehem)
then the mahjong kaki continued their games while jm went around popping his pringles cap!
the housewarming/dinner ended off with us celebrating yiling's birthday with a cake and loaing yu sheng!
i seriously think it was the most inauspicious yu sheng i ever had. we were saying random things like: " diu leh... your mother tooot tooot... so and so no balls" ya, u get the point, dont u?
we all left jacon's house at 11 plus? and upon reaching dover mrt, jm, robin, mark and i decided to take the park connector home.
stoopid thoughts of ppl jumping out of the bushes etc came babbling through our mouths. haha
it was real dark. and i felt the most insecure, cos all of them had a weapon, or at least a racket in their hand. (mark and robin took mine! wad nice frens)

but ya. it was a safe trip, if not i wouldnt be here blogging. hahaha

alright, onto today.
well nth much happened, went to COGS in the afternoon.
and im currently blogging at my grandma's house
oh! but one funny think happened today. i was at kent ridge interchange waiting for my bus. then came this two guys. (they looked real emo, thanks to their super long side parting hair)
what caught my attention was this guy who wore this jersey, and at the back, it stated" piggy" as his name!
who the hell puts "piggy" ?
stoopidier things happened next. they were really near me, so i was listenin to their conversation
and the piggy guy said sth like this abt this gal and him:
" she knows me but i dont know her.
but she say i very handsome, very cute.
if only i was i older, she confirm stead with me"

WHAT THE SHIT! super egoistic la! so when he realized i was listening, he looked at me. me remembering one republic" new song decided to, "stop and stare"
after that, he exchanged places and told his fren i was staring, loudly, so i could hear him
the guy tried to taunt me by saying:" stare la. why? dont dare stare arh"
i was pissed. so when my bus came, i walked pass them. and the guy taunted me again by saying" not man arh"
that blew my last straw. i boarded the bus and walked to the exit where there could see me clearly. then....
i.... did a gesture to them... mailto:tooot*%5E&#$%@$
they were PISSED OFF! they tried to run after my bus. but i guess their foot sizes were too small to carry them.

well, it sure was eventful! hahah! adrenaline rush to the max!
k! its a long post. im heading off! see ya!

piggy... (giggles)

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