Saturday, March 29, 2008


since ages i last blogged. well. today was fun o rama.
fun? i dunno? just damn tired. marshalling duty at fmss was damn boring. watched e BB boys marched around the parade square for 1hr30 minutes before returning to ac.
went to celebrate marc's birthday (tennis captain)
eeew. it was the worst treatment i've seen given to a birthday boy!
well, everything was normal at first. but once the birthday song was over, someone from nowhere threw a plate of spaghetti right at him. well, thanks to the march camp, marc's reaction must have gotten faster cos, he managed to dodge most of the flying projectiles.
but he definitely couldnt escape from evil Aaron's clutches (vice cap... tsk.) if i m not wrong, aaron, bill, nat and keith took each one of marc's limbs and then carried him towards the Green HELL( the rubbish chute). hovering above the pile of shit, they dropped him in. ouch. after that they slammed the top shut and pushed the chute underneath the stairs so the poor fellow couldnt get out. aiyo. luckily my bday is in jan, whereby most ppl forget!
well, later on when around the campus, moving between the games and food stall. and who knows when, it was time to go home.
well, had dinner later on at vivo. was kinda random. started making the "oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooot" noise for no reason.
and after that, we went to the sky garden where we took stoopid photos. one which involves jing ming... ehem... never mind, (i must spare a thought for those underage kids reading my blog) lol!
well, nat was kinda emo most of the time. i understand why.
anyway. cheer up. its just a volleyball alright?

i need to sleep. zzzzzZZzzzZZZzz

Sunday, March 9, 2008


what a day it was!
went to fmss at around 9am to help train boys and gals. it was good to have abel coming back for training. haha
was there till 6 pm before meeting up with the council clique for dinner together with Ms Ng. met up with Joy Sim/Joy Yeo/Nat/Eunice/ and Fion before taking bus 74 to sunset way, our destination!
but something happened on the bus which kinda spoiled my mood.and here it goes:
my ez link card ran out of money, so i used coins. being in outside clothes, i guess the bus driver would wanna confirm my identity. so i asked(in chinese):
wilson: erm, xu yao kan wo the ka ma?
bus driver: fei hua
wilson( pissed off with him, took out my card and said) Student!
bus driver( with a sickening face and tone) TAB la!
wilson: tabbed the card
machine: tsk tsk
and then my ticket came out. upon collecting my ticket, i said KP.

the bus driver heard me so did some other passengers. but i couldnt be bothered.
wa. damn pissed off la. i'm very sure if the bus driver talked to me in a nicer tone, i would definitely been more than happy to produce the card.
just because you bus drivers have more "protection" ever since the the chinese high boy who punched the bus driver incident, doesnt mean you can boss ppl around
ya. i agree that i lost my cool. but come on. thats not the way to talk to passengers.

oh well. onto the dinner. (i guess i had to let out all my steam in order for the food to fill my stomach)
dinner was great. majority of the ppl turned up and they were: Joy yeo/Joy sim/nat/jm/fiona/fion/eunice/abel/mark/caleb/brian/jocelyn koh/julia foo and Ms Ng!
and btw, this wasnt just a session to meet up. it was initated to also celebrate the March baby birthday!

well, everyone was too full to gobble down any cake, but all in all, it was a real great time catching up with everyone of you!

Happy Belated Birthday to Joy Yeo and Joy Sim!
Happy Birthday in advance to Caleb and Jocelyn Koh!

and thanks guys! thanks for making the effort to come down!

anyway. tml is a long day once again
and i've yet to have my photo taking with eleanor. lol
so yups. looking forward to a new day.

so i shall end here! byeee!

3 days 2 nights

before i start blogging, i would like to congraulate a person, and he is... ME!
congrats for surviving the tennis camp which was held from friday till 7pm sunday!
this has been the most tiring camp i've ever went for yet.
well. the schedule is something like this: tennis breakfast tennis tennis tennis tennis gym tennis lunch tennis tennis tennis swimming tennis tennis tennis dinner tennis tennis tennis shower sleep. tennis... and the whole cycle repeats itself the next day.

so yup. i so surprised i'm actually sitting of my cpu, blogging!
well. overall, it was really a good camp, and the boys team definitely grown stronger.

well. its the start of holidays. guess its time for catching up with my tutorials and lecture notes. shit! why did i pon skool at jjc. argh!

nites everyone.
looking forward to tml, got photo taking session! lol
and oh. ex councillors(2007) tml got meet up dinner. if u dont know anything, pls call me! see ya!

Monday, March 3, 2008


hey ppl. here's a short post.
i'm posted to 1SC8 in acjc. but i should be transfering to another class as i changed my combinations. :(
well, nothing much happened in school, except for me staining my uniform with curry! argh. i hate white uniforms... damn! thats why i still love fmss's uni. haha

after lectures and contact time, i raced back to fmss to catch the bus heading towards CCAB. was going to watch the bboys play against Victoria Sec. what the shit! the bus was damn small la! my butt could easily take up 3 seats. ahyo. how can treat old boys like that!? tsk tsk!
anyway, the bus was travelling towards bukit timah area. being bored. we decided to be alert and try to spot Mas Selamat. lol! found no shit!

upon reaching CCAB, mark and i went for some prata to satisfy our stomachs.
and then... it was time for some vball match! wee!
well, boys won the first set 25-21. and dunno why, we switched court.
this time i was seated with a bunch of girly cboys on my left and eleanor tgt with the cgals on my right.
being curious as to why, only some cgals came, i asked our dear fren who was beside me...
wilson: where's the rest?
eleanor: ( whispered sth to jianping)
and within a few seconds, they all burst out laughing! i seriously thought someone injected laughing gas into them.
i asked eleanor wad happened and she said:
"do you know what i thought you said?"
me: no?
eleanor: i thought you asked me where are my breasts!
WAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! omgbbqlolrofl!
ahyo. kids these days... i wonder what they learn at school... eleanor eleanor, how to pass listening comprehension like that?
tsk tsk
then throughout the 2nd set. eleanor and jp keep on laughing at boys from twss.
and i added i couldnt see one of them due to the contrasting jersey colour.
and i had a bunch of gals who cant shout for nuts.
but all in all. it was a great day!
boys wont 2nd set 25-18 anyways.

oh.. it looks like it was a long post. wahahah!