Thursday, November 29, 2007

introduction/ crash course for tennis

hey there!
to all those who are interested in learning tennis this holidays, i am willing to teach you the basics.
alright, to start off, if u were to take up coaching from an outside coach, it will cost roughly around $20-$35. its very expensive and you will only be learning the basics.
furthermore, you might find the game boring and felt that you have paid for a bomb.

so to give you guys out there another alternative, i will be giving lessons to those who are interested. i will teach you all everything from forehand, backhand, service, all that will gear you up for a decent tennis game.

the charges for the lessons are at $6 per person for an one to one training for an hour.
for those who are interested in group trainings, get 3 other friends and i'll charge each person at $5 for 1 hour 45 minutes.

i'll settle the courts and the balls.
so if u guys are interested do call me or shout out to me.

of course i do not have a certificate, but all i want is to get more ppl interested in tennis.
and after the intro lessons, u find that u have fallen for tennis, go look for a better coach that will be able to bring you to another level!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


that was the first word that was said in the movie: "hitman"!
well. i watched my first NC16 show today. and i thought that it was kinda nasty.
i watched e show with a couple of ppl ( u know who u all are, v lazy to name, not that u are insignficant... haha)
anyway, i paid 8 bucks but i dont get the show at all.
i just know there's this baldy that goes around killing ppl. e show kinda complicated, worst then doing relative velocity questions! haha
anyway, the show has NUDITY in it.
my first time seeing nudity in a cinema. sure felt weird and somewhat nasty.
oh well.
the show is just average, i wouldnt work my ass off in macdonalds just to get the money to watch this movie again.

overall, this show will be attractive to ppl who are:
-ticko peh.
no offence arh.
but it sure feels weird watching nude scenes... oh well.

after movie, we walked down orchard and took photos. well cant feel the festive mood yet, but it sure was nice. thanks guys!
argh, had training in the morning, and im super tired.
luckily, theres no training tml.
i shall sleep till 12 pm tml! alright

oh ya. honour your mum and dad...zzzZZZzzZZz

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


wa lau. just came back from night training.
wad a lousy session. i felt like i was blind.
stoopid courts. the lights are so bright till it blinds my eyes. but somehow, e courts arent bright!
stoopid stoopid stoopid!
and bcos of that, there was this particular point whereby i volleyed the ball into my own face!
argh. there was this couple who laughed. i seriously wanted to... to... argh. stoopid la!

wa... super tired
tml have training with coach... die already la. im so sure my arms will dislocate while i strike e ball.
oh well, at least NUH is nearby :)
lets see if i survive to blog tml. hahahahahah...zzzzzzzzzzzzzZzZzZzZzzzzzzz

Monday, November 26, 2007 body feels worn out

hey. a quick post for today... real tired
well, went out at 9 am to train with my coach. he sure looked the same.
last time i trained with him was in january.
well. he sprained his ankle, hope it heals asap.
anyway. he put me through a couple of drills, involving forehand, backhand crosscourts and down-e-line shots.

after that we did serivce. worked on my topspin serve. (man, why cant i flick my hand?)
anyway, we did service for one hour.(my arm feels like its dislodged from its socket)

training ended at 11am. next training with him will be on wednesday and friday.
im so dead...

after training, i went to mark's house and played table tennis with him.
and it rained so heavily that we got drenched even though we were in e shelter.
later on, we left for nathanael's house at about 2pm.

mark was so excited on getting his hands on the xbox360 and playing halo3.
well, upon reaching e door, nat's dog greeted us as usual. haha

played xbox till about 430pm? then i went back home...
i sure was tired. slept from 5 to 730.

had been slacking since then...
well. thats it for today.

tml having night training with doubles partner at west cove condo.
hope training would be fruitful...

alright. nites everyone...

Sunday, November 25, 2007

im back!

have not blogged since 4 days back.
so i shall post now.

well. i went to malaysia on the 22nd to 23rd ( what kind of a holiday is this?!)
i went to watch pete sampras vs federer!
i must say, the atmosphere within the comp. venue was amazing!
and my seat was just 3 metres away from the court! super near!
if there wasnt a protective net around the court, pete sampras service would have blown the crowd away.
anyway. pete played damn well ( for his age is super good)
but he still lost. haha federer won 7-6,7-6

anyway, i dint manage to buy any souvenirs back for most ppl. so sorry ya?

when i returned to singapore(6pm) jeremy(tennis partner) and i decided to play tennis, so we played from 7 to 9pm. came back home all exhausted and guess what,
i slept till 12pm the next day. hahaha.
went to restring my racket before playing table tennis with mark.( make up for not training tennis)

alright, now onto today.
went out at 7 am to train with my korean doubles partner.
training was fine, though another of my racket's string is about to break :(
( its so expensive to restring! sigh)

ended training at 11 am and went back home.
as usual, i slept like a pig till about 3pm.
woke up and i decided to pack up my stuffs. threw tonnes of worksheet away!
yeah. ( seriously feel like setting the pile on fire... campfire! i mean house fire)

oh ya, im watching the news now! and there's riot in malaysia!
luckily i left there early. ( come to think of it. im kinda glad my holiday was only 24hours long)

alright! gotta go! take care!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

a day at jing ming's house

its time for me to blog so here i go.
went to nathanael's house early in the morning to meet up with him.
his dog is cute and ya, kinda played with it.
next i play call of duty on his xbox360. graphics sure were good.
at about 10, we went over to jing ming's place, where we met up with mark, caleb and robin.
and off we went playing resident evil 4 on the PS2.

i must say we have had made considerable improvement this time.
there were less screaming and most of us were used to the suspense and gore.
we continued the game by fighting el gigante(stoopid big fat boss)
and we played all e way till about 7pm.
we defeated a few bosses along the way, ( i defeated bitorez... haha, i kinda overreacted when fighting him)

-caleb is a lousy navigator.
-jing ming is bad at action combos.
-nathanael is good at critical moments
-wilson used up all ammos when defeating el gigante part 2!

anyway, while playing, we also ordered macdonalds.
the person told us the food will arrive in 1 hours time, but in the end, the delivery took 2 hrs+++
ARGH! lousy service!

alright, thats all which happened today.
OH NO! i forgotten to train today... argh...
15 more days to competition...
and tml im going to malaysia to watch the exibition match between federer and sampras.
time is RUNNING OUT!

oh ya. i burned a mega big hole in my pocket just for this one day holiday.
the ticket itself cost 2oo spore dollars!

sigh, on the brighter side, im getting the best seats!
federer better sign my tennis ball if not im definitely going to to throw it at him!
im so broke. looks like i will go and hibernate a few days after this trip. lol

see you everyone.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

more trainings...

hey everyone.
well i started off my day with tennis training again.
this time my partner DID come. haha
and yup in total, there were 3 others players excluding me.
to train for e upcoming doubles comp. we played a one set match(first to reach six games)
my partner and i quickly raced off to a 5-1 lead. (haha)
but then, somehow or rather, the final score was 6-6... hmmm ( complacent complacent... and that SUCKS)
after that, my partner and i continued to do some groundstrokes and polished up on our volleys a little bit.

we also finalized our hand signals for communications. (one of them is a middle finger... kidding)
i left the court around 11, so thats 2 hours of training. damn. thats super little. argh...

anyway, had lunch before making my way back to skool to meet jacon to do some stuff(secret)
haha. saw the GB girls. and the sec4s were all wearing red shirts. i was also wearing RED!
(sure felt like a senior GB member... lol! embarrassing!)
and i waited for jacon, say like 45 miutes. slept at the canteen table...

eventually, nathanial, kieth and jacon arrived and we went to the lab to our stuffs.
joy sim, shu yi, baoxian came up to do their registration too...
i did mine already...
oh well. i left school around 6 plus. slept in the lab too. haha(yayaya. pig i know)
and yups, here i am posting about my day...

my day was so boring...
well, tml i guess there's no on court trainings for me...
will be going to JM's hse in the morning to watch him play RESIDENT EVIL 4.
(caleb is also invited... sigh, he sure scream like an idiot)
guess i got to do physical training in the afternoon...
ahya. tired la.
i go sleep already...
hope i dont dream of RE4!

Monday, November 19, 2007


today's post will be a short one.
well, went out early in the morning for tennis training. supposed to train with doubles partner.
but he totally FORGOTTEN about it! rah!
he said he will make it up to me!(sounds gay)
so... i demanded 1000 dollars worth of tennis merchandize... heee
anyway. trained by myself against the wall.
did a little drill with my forehand and backhand+ slice and topspin serve and a little volley...
left the courts at about 1030. had to meet may and mark outside fmss.

went to meet the fellas before making our way to acjc. ( may received a msg from e teacher to make our way down)

anyway. upon reaching there, we realized we were just supposed to do the registration there!
wa lao, waste my time, i left the place as fast i as got there.

i then took 74 to mark ho's house.
bus went by a boy-skool(v obvious what school right?), and these bunch of boys boarded.
there was this guy got the damn not happy look, and kept staring at me.

i also not in a very good mood so i stared back... (so wad if you are in a group?)
anyway, couldnt be bothered much.
reached mark's house and i watched him play kingdom under fire...
we then played lord of the rings, and we just couldnt pass the stage. ( dumb AIs. keep on dying)

we couldnt take it anymore so we went down to play table tennis.
it was super fun.
and the table seemed to be slanting. how weird. (must be my brain playing tricks)

the fun ended when magdalene loke came. ( hahha kidding)
she super funny la. keep on laughing when she hit the ball.
and somehow, there was this fishy smell coming from her( LOL!)

but my daddy came (WC) so i had to go
oh well, went to eat sakae sushi for dinner (lousy) and i saw derek from fmss working (STUNNED)
damn, ppl are so hardworking.

anyway. that's it for today.
tml got training with partner.
cant afford to miss training or else i'll be the one giving 1000 dollars worth of merchandise!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

the pass few days...

hello! i finally had the time to blog.
anyway, i just got back home after watching the shanghai master's finals!
wee... Federer is the champion! he demolished ferrer in straight sets: 6-2,6-3,6-2!
federer was totally awesome!
just cant wait to watch him play in the exibition match in Malaysia against Pete Sampras

oh ya! i finally headed back to the courts. went to train today morning from 8 to 1030.
actually, i didnt really train... just went to stroke and get back the feel.

alright... i shall post on what happened the previous two days!

16 November

Went back to school for the PAE thingy. ( what a waste of time...)
after that, mark and i went to ikea to look for farewell gifts.
hahha. we went abt looking for cheap yet MEANINGFUL presents.
we browse through all sorts of stuffs and thought of funny reasons for that gifts.
in the end i bought a pack of straws and mark bought adaptors! lol
yaya! i know its cheap skate. but they are real meaningful!
( to all the councillors: remember! councillors should NEVER be sucky!)
that was my reason. hahaha

Marks' was worst. the adaptor meant that councillors should be adaptable at all times! lol
oh well. after that i went back to my pri. skool for closing ceremony.
it sure was sad. my school was only 25 years oYOUNG. sigh
but im still proud of our history!!! out of 25 years, we have been champions(volleyball) in the west zone for 23 years and we made it to the nationals top 4 each year! hurray!
that is inclusive of my batch that were the champions and 1st runner up in the c and b divison boys respectively! :) ( must action a little... lol)

anyway. i left the skool early just to reach FMSS on time. headed straight for council room to change up for council farewell.
hahha. and when it was time to meet. all e boys(mark,caleb,nathanial,jacon,brian, jing ming and i) put on our alevator( is that how u spell???) spectacles and swing our way down to the canteen. ( we sure looked like gangsters, with brian and jacon being the leaders)

haha. i guess everyone were surprised with our horrendous outfits. lol ( cant blame us, the theme was the 80s, what do u expect?)

took a couple of group photos and off we went for dinner.
the lower sec. councillors served us food.
and all the boys acted blind with our specs on. we purposely make it seem as though we did not know where the food was being served. hehehe!

although the food was good, most of us dint had the appetite.
gobbling down our food as fast as possible, mark, caleb, nathanial and i quickly left the canteen and went to practice for our item.

time quickly pass and soon, all e sec 4s were asked to move to learn and fairfield for the farewell party.
well, to add on to our horrendous 80s outfit, mark, caleb and i took out our final accessory! wahahaha
and they were....... WIGS!

wanting to surprise everyone, the three of us did not take the conventional route and instead, we sneaked up to them from the back...hahah

and well... the reaction from them was crazy. lol
(shall post the pics here.. that's if i can.)

anyway. we headed for learn @ fairfield, and i must say... the ambience was good!
well done councillors!

and so, the farewell party started.
we played a couple of games, one which saw jing ming proposing to many girls and getting REJECTED time and time again, and finally engaging with laura! hahaha( congrats to u both! woots!)

we also danced quite a bit, though i suck at it. lol
then we played this game which involved pairing up and stepping other pairs' balloons.
i paired up with jingming. and we COULD have survived. (thanks to rachel gong who took out her high heels and back stabbed us) lol

then after that came the department's item. and my department dint perform cos only kahkeng was around. :(

but ya. it was sure fun laughing at the juniors. esp the puppet show. hahaha
next came fiona and gina's farewell video( it was a pity u both plus others who couldnt make it. its sure was different w/o you guys)
anyway. fiona was super funny in the video. lol

the sec4 girls then took it away with the agogo dance. haha. ( the temperature of the room suddenly seemed to raise at that moment)
ya. well done guys! ( i mean... girls. haha)

ya. and next up was OUR item (mark, caleb, nathanial and wilson's item)
man... i sure was nervous.
our item was to sing 3 songs. and they were:
1) collide by howie day
2) your guardian angel by the red jumpsuit apparatus
3) wherever you will go by the calling
oh ya. our band's name was : CALEB AND HIS BIRDS

ya. dunno what to say of the performance, alright i guess? just that i kinda faltered at the high parts... argh...
and JM was doing retarded stuffs with the video cam. lol zooming right into our faces for no reasons!!!

anyway. after that, ( i was glad it ended) we splitted up into departments and exchanged gifts.
and i love my gift from the PUNCTUALITY department.
it was a file which had my name on the booking form! cool! i have never been late before!
it was lovely!

this was also the time i gave my budgetted gift. hee
after that, we took real lots of photos.
and now i really wonder...
maybe i shld change my gender to a female... hahha( u'll know why when u see the photos.)

at aboout 12 plus. the farewell officially ended. and we cleared up the place.
we also played captain's ball later on we the juniors. it was fun, although it kinda sucked to play in 80's clothes. hahah

worst thing was, we couldnt change out of the dirty clothes cos. of some reasons. hahha
but it was alright... :)

went to cool down before chilling out in a room where i shall not mention.
and man, that place rocks!
we then called in macdonalds at abt 3am
and oh. i was so full and it made me drowsy.

with no place to sleep, the boys went to the bridge to admire the stars.
and soon, we dozed off on the bridge. the view was rather romantic!( i must stress that im not gay) hahah many many stars!
u seldom or will never get to lay on the bridge just to admire the night view.

yup... so it was ZzzzZZZzz all the way to 630 am
and finally, we could change into fresh clothes! hurray!

after that, we( sec4 boys) played soccer.
and ms ng wanted to play!
haha. so ms ng, abel and nat were 1 team, while JM, caleb and i were the other.
and my oh my! ms ng scored a goal! hahaha

we lost 2-0... argh( embarrassing)
next was breakfast before debrief.
and so, council farewell party ended. :(

alright, before i end this post. there are some, actually many ppl i wanna thank and say things to them.

firstly: Ms Ng and Ms Tan who stayed back purposely just to make sure things were fine.
next: the upcoming batch of councillors: guys, w/o you all, this party would never succeed. i really feel that everyone of you have the potential... you guys really are awesome. do continue to strive on in wadeva you do. Exco and main com: i wish you all the best in wadeva you all do, and im sure guys are capable of doing many things that will push FMSS to greater heights.
the rest of the council body: continue to work hand in hand with your peers and seniors. without you guys, nothing will get done! so do render your services as much as possible with the biggest smile whenever possible! remember: councillors should never be sucky!

thirdly: i would like to thank:
joy yeo and joy sim: for the lovely volleyball!( its on my bed!)
rophi: for the delicious cookies ( though i had diaerrohea. lol)
caleb: for your boring story and for encouraging us to gamble( kidding la)
julia foo: for yr clip( can it be use for my hair?)
rachel gong and hui shi: for the cane candies( well, it will come in handy when i need to use it for support when im old)
the organizing committee: for the octopus toy on a stick! ( what a lousy description)
the punctuality department: for my late coming file( lol... i really dunno wad to say)
jocelyn koh: for the bulb accessory( guess it will come in handy for my xmas tree. kidding!)
fion: for your card( though i dunno why u wish me best of luck in preparation for o levels... want me to study until i siao arh. exams finish already!!! but i still appreciate it. hee)
joy sim: for your puzzle card( i forgive you for the cat thingy :) )
magdalene loke: your card(i scary meh? anyway, armpit hair!)

yups that's about it. wah... my saliva dry up already la. talk so much!
council rules!

oh ya. ah fat's chicken rice rocks! lol

Thursday, November 15, 2007

my first post!

hey all!
i got no idea why i started this blog. bored i guess?
anyway. O's are over! hurray!
im not sure abt u guys, but i still feel kinda weird. eg. when i reach home, i always feel that there's a need to get to the study table.
well. it sure takes time for this feeling to fade away.

alright. i shall post about my pass few days:

13th Nov

well. immediately after bio paper 1( last paper)
i rushed back home and got changed before meeting mark, caleb, fiona and may at IMM.
we had to get the food items for the chalet.
and whoa! i dint even recognise IMM when i got there. it sure looked different from the last time i saw it ( cant blame me. i have not gone out for ages + i swa ku)
and blahblahblah. we got all e stuff and went to the cashier.
and i cant help but say that their service is lousy. took us 20 minutes? just to pay up. ahyoh...

well... by the time we finished we were definitely unable to meet joy and the rest at tampines station on time. all thanks to Mark's diaerrohea. lol. waste so much time! :)
but luckily, Caleb's dad was nice enough to fetch us down all e way to changi aloha! weee...
( dont worry! we gave caleb's dad a barrel of oil in exchange)

blahblahblah... we settled down and checked out the place. after that we soon had to prepare dinner. i made spagetthi, while the other guys did the bbq. well. ( hope no one got diaerrohea) lol

er. throughout the night, we played cards, cards, and more cards! yeah!
oh ya! and the pig game!
i did not sleep the whole night and was awake till e next day.
we were all anticipating the sun rise. but it rained! argh..

we left the chalet around 11 the next day.
and i must say. i was so tired i dozed off in the taxi while on the way home.

anyway. a big thanks to the teachers( ms seet, ms ng) and joy + the rest who coordinated together to organize this chalet!
alright. thats all for 13th nov.

14th Nov.

went to caleb's hse early in the morning. had to practice for item.
after that, we( caleb,nathanial,mark) went to holland V to look for retro stuff! and oh my! it was so damn funny.
wont tell u why! u( those going for council farewell) will know!

after that, mark caleb and i played table tennis. and everything seemed against us!
the wind, table, everything!
and i accidentally smack the bat at caleb's mouth while doing a double handed backhand. lol

then while getting the ball which went out, i saw this lady owner and this cute little dog.
it had a ribbon tied to its hair. it wanted the ping pong ball. and i thought to myself " what a cute dog!"
however, my impression changed immediately!
the stupid dog... went to pee somewhere near the table! and the owner just look at her dog do her business and just shrug her shoulders...
i was totally stunned.
i seriously wanted to drive my bat at the lady's teeth like wad i did to caleb!
argh! inconsiderate. inconsiderate! she better make sure she dont let me know where she stay, if not i'll pee at her house. ( sounds wrong, i'll get a random dog to pee there) grrrr...

after that, went to mark's house and watched shanghai masters(tennis)
sigh, Djokovic lost. but he played well.
then watched another match, Richard Gasquet(FRA) vs David Ferrer(ESP)
wa!!! Ferrer was damn aggrassive! superb play from him. he won 6-1,6-1.

anyway. enough of today!
tml will be a fun packed day:
1st- PAE from 745-9? ( boo)
2nd-shopping with mark ( i'm not gay, i shop cos there's a need to!)
3rd-returning back to my pri. school. jin tai. for closing ceremony) sigh...
4th- council farewell- ( dunno whether to be happy or sad)
5th- overnight in school!

(for those who wont be with us... fiona, gina, yanling,may... hope u all have fun with holidaying etc)

anyway. signing off.

go federer! beat ANDY RODDICK!