Sunday, November 25, 2007

im back!

have not blogged since 4 days back.
so i shall post now.

well. i went to malaysia on the 22nd to 23rd ( what kind of a holiday is this?!)
i went to watch pete sampras vs federer!
i must say, the atmosphere within the comp. venue was amazing!
and my seat was just 3 metres away from the court! super near!
if there wasnt a protective net around the court, pete sampras service would have blown the crowd away.
anyway. pete played damn well ( for his age is super good)
but he still lost. haha federer won 7-6,7-6

anyway, i dint manage to buy any souvenirs back for most ppl. so sorry ya?

when i returned to singapore(6pm) jeremy(tennis partner) and i decided to play tennis, so we played from 7 to 9pm. came back home all exhausted and guess what,
i slept till 12pm the next day. hahaha.
went to restring my racket before playing table tennis with mark.( make up for not training tennis)

alright, now onto today.
went out at 7 am to train with my korean doubles partner.
training was fine, though another of my racket's string is about to break :(
( its so expensive to restring! sigh)

ended training at 11 am and went back home.
as usual, i slept like a pig till about 3pm.
woke up and i decided to pack up my stuffs. threw tonnes of worksheet away!
yeah. ( seriously feel like setting the pile on fire... campfire! i mean house fire)

oh ya, im watching the news now! and there's riot in malaysia!
luckily i left there early. ( come to think of it. im kinda glad my holiday was only 24hours long)

alright! gotta go! take care!

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