Monday, November 19, 2007


today's post will be a short one.
well, went out early in the morning for tennis training. supposed to train with doubles partner.
but he totally FORGOTTEN about it! rah!
he said he will make it up to me!(sounds gay)
so... i demanded 1000 dollars worth of tennis merchandize... heee
anyway. trained by myself against the wall.
did a little drill with my forehand and backhand+ slice and topspin serve and a little volley...
left the courts at about 1030. had to meet may and mark outside fmss.

went to meet the fellas before making our way to acjc. ( may received a msg from e teacher to make our way down)

anyway. upon reaching there, we realized we were just supposed to do the registration there!
wa lao, waste my time, i left the place as fast i as got there.

i then took 74 to mark ho's house.
bus went by a boy-skool(v obvious what school right?), and these bunch of boys boarded.
there was this guy got the damn not happy look, and kept staring at me.

i also not in a very good mood so i stared back... (so wad if you are in a group?)
anyway, couldnt be bothered much.
reached mark's house and i watched him play kingdom under fire...
we then played lord of the rings, and we just couldnt pass the stage. ( dumb AIs. keep on dying)

we couldnt take it anymore so we went down to play table tennis.
it was super fun.
and the table seemed to be slanting. how weird. (must be my brain playing tricks)

the fun ended when magdalene loke came. ( hahha kidding)
she super funny la. keep on laughing when she hit the ball.
and somehow, there was this fishy smell coming from her( LOL!)

but my daddy came (WC) so i had to go
oh well, went to eat sakae sushi for dinner (lousy) and i saw derek from fmss working (STUNNED)
damn, ppl are so hardworking.

anyway. that's it for today.
tml got training with partner.
cant afford to miss training or else i'll be the one giving 1000 dollars worth of merchandise!

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