Monday, December 15, 2008

when your're gone...

i'm so bored. hence i shall blog about my tennis camp.
it wasnt suppose to be a grueling camp, but due to unforeseen cirucumstances, it was rather tough. haha
the weather was real nice to us, as it did not rain during court time except the last day when we were supposed to play mix doubles. but it dint really affect me as my partner was chun hsiang, a boy... hahaha. so much for MIXED doubles.

for ice breakers, the highlight would be the trust fall. everyone had to do it. it was nerve wrecking, worst then the high elements we did in ccab. well, there was no harness what so ever. it's kinda hard to psych yourself to fall backwards.
anyways, nothing much happened on the first day.
Oh wait! i hate MONOPOLY! im like bloody sway can?
whenever it is my turn, i step onto ppl's house and have to pay. mostly 2oo bucks plus plus plus!
when ppl step on my house, they only pay 60. ( bradell and thompson road houses suck)
or im at home. sian.zzz
ppl get chance, draw cards which let them collect money,
i draw cards that were fines, checkup and worst still. " GO TO JAIL" walao
pay 5oo damn bucks to free parking to get out of jail, only to see zach step on free parking the next moment and walk away with my stash! I HATE MONOPOLY!

apparently, zach claimed he saw a figure standing by the exit door in the smr at 3am. hahaha.
it was actually bill.

and i swear im never going to sleep with nat, bill or ervine or zach.
bloody hell. when i was about to sleep, these ppl suddenly crept up to me and...
"you are... my fire... the one... desire..."
yada yada donkey kong!
damn it! idiots. hahaha.
horibble singing i must emphasize! back street boys are so embarrassed that they change their band name to "front alley girls"!

we headed for sentosa the next day. and we sat the luge! and we did it F1 style! hahaha
everyone lined up behind each other and the girls were given handicap by starting in front.
(not looking down on girls but rather, being gentlemanly:)
for the first round, Jin was the first. crazy speed demon
well, for the 2nd and final race, i decided to step up and not break at the bends. crazy idea! haha
i could feel my butt being lifted up!
but well, it's worth the try since i got first! YAH!

then we biked for an hour. 1st time doing a two sitter bike. and to my horror, the person at the back controls your sit. many a time, my butt shifted unwillingly thanks to my partner. grrr. haha

the boys then played beach soccer. was real tiring. and guess what, we had to head back to sch for court training.

played water polo after training and in the blink of an eye. it was sleeping time.
well, they guys dint sing today. lucky i thought, but guess what, it was farting spree for them!
one by one, they came up to my face and release their toxic gases!
assholes! real assholes! most notably zach's! it was bleeding loud and stinky! damn. im seriously not sleeping with them the during next camp:) hahah

the next day zoomed by too. went to jurong point right after camp.
(enjoyed every moment there)

alright, im getting tired. see you guys soon!
ps. mark, caleb, nat, jm. lets have another meeting! real bored!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

going for tennis camp tml.
so mia for 3 days 2 nights.
i cant find my swimming trunks! argh...
i think my father took my by accident. lol

Saturday, December 6, 2008

arghh.. my bloody back hurts.
i've laid off from tennis for like 3 days?
cos the pain is unbearable. dont even know why it's like this.
but after giving some thought to it. i think it's the quantum bomb which caused it to hurt..
for those who do not know what a quantum bomb is...
go to my facebook and look at the retards jumping into the water...

oh well. life is boring...
but somehow, time is passing by so quickly. damn.
what's this nonsense..

Saturday, November 15, 2008

alright, blogging time.
so ytd was fmps grad. nite
yup, was there with caleb, nat, jacon, yanling, joy and joyeyoyeyoyeyoy [ah! i remembered the last "y"] :)
we were more or less the facilitators cos we are the lau jiaos, or aka alumni
yup, quite fun i must say:) jump, jump, jump. sing sing sing:)
hahahha, the BGs. lol and the camera (inside joke between me and caleb) welcome to macpherson sec! another inside joke:)
ya. drop dead tired by the time i got home...

today morning had friendly with UWC. well, was supposed to be one of the earliest in sch, but in the end, i was the latest... why? ask the bus driver! he thinks he is bloody kimi raikonnen or alonso or sth. driving like F1. then he breaked out of nowhere (guess he realized he forgot to buy insurance for himself or sth), which cos me to lose my footing, and BAM!, there goes my wrist against the handle bar, which hurt like!##%$%#^%$
it already hurt before, but it was actually recovering, but xie xie ni uncle...
so i had to get my butt home to get my wrist guard, which in turn cause me to be late. hmph:(
now i know why there's only one driver in the F1 car, cos passengers lifes would be endangered!
luckily he dint think he was david blaine, if not he will start teleporting us to our destinations!

anyway, won 2 out of 3 matches.
overall ac won too:)

im super tired shall stop

it's not abt attracting unnecessary trouble. such problems come to you.
i do in fact trust that you can defend yrself and be on your fullest guard.
but they appear at your door step even w/o you inviting them. understand?:(
sorry for nagging.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

hey:) just catched up with caleb, joy and joyeyoyeyo!
haha. met at ikea. ate at anchor point food court.
talked abt so many things, one regarding joy's back. apparently, she cant take cold stuff. cos it will affect her back. poor thing. she takes so many pills, it's kinda scary. so fatty asked, " er, how many pills do you take"
*picture this. joy puts her pills in this small little cute box which is divided into 4 sections.
so joy replied," one corner(of the box), a day"
caleb's mind processed it as, " one walnut, one egg"
hmmmm... caleb hasnt change... haiz.. food food and MORE food! tsk tsk:)

then we went to secret recipe for dessert.
poor joy yeo cant eat cheese:(
and joy sim cant eat cold stuff ( one walnut, one egg)
well, i settled for choc, fudge, or was it mud cake, arghhh wadever la, all chocolate, no diff.
and OH! must try their new item, *additional scoop, which is on the last page!* :)

and from time to time, joy sim took pics, apparently using caleb and i as backgrounds. tsk tsk :( hahaha
to caleb. hahaha you got riped off for your supposedly exotic, 100% pure jolly shandy apple drink... its just zapple!:)
yup, we then hopped over to ikea to check out some stuff for natty.

oh well, had fun giggling at stupid stuffs with fatty. sweets that look real wrong:)
and i think i need to check up on my brain... somehow i process things differently from others...
"inverted loser" for chicken wings... hmmm, i seriously think i need help :)

get well, mr pai ka. aka mark ho... LOSER! lol kidding.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

davydenko beats tsonga, 6-7, 6-4, 7-6(7-0) whooo!
zachary and his dad beat chun hsiang and i
hey! to those ppl going for the tennis clinic, rmb it start 4-6pm tml, monday 9 nov!
hope for good weather or else we'll be stuck in the badminton hall. arghh( more work for the logistics site, arhhhh)
well, have been slacking and my tummy's getting fatter by the day. walao. damn sian
im so damn thin everywhere but not my tummy! why???
and everyone on facebook is asking me if im attached. argh.. stupid relationship status. retarded la. lol

i am as bored as a board, which has no life...

Monday, October 27, 2008

holidays are here! but why the hell are chinese textbooks lying on my table? grrrr.
so yup, besides studying for chinese a level, there's really nth to do besides tennis,tennis,tennis,tennis. hmm.
but im loving it, so no complains:)
just wished that singapore had more areas to sitesee:(
kinda boring to always go to town.
pw sucks. (i like my group) but seriously pw is a pain in the ass.
stupid pw examiner said i acted cute and at times irritating. like WTP?! chao chee...

wtv.(hahah, i learnt this from choon min)

wo xian zai yao du hua wen. zai jian!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

holland, a good place for education

hey everyone:) my last paper is on friday! yay (damn i sound so kiddish)
anyway. had chinese paper today. during the course of the paper, there were some weird loud noises.
i swear gozilla was in singapore! the floor shook every 5 minutes or so, echoed by a "boooom" that came from the left side of the badminton hall. i wanted to get out of my seat and run out! (oh im serious)

so much for being a wuss...
took a plane with nat, jm and fernando to holland:) and went to our fave. fast food since sec sch. BK! (not bak kua.)

i was talking about my pw teacher, mr lim, who pass away.
and nat suddenly talked abt this actor who died.
then came fernando who told us of another person who died. ( im like, what the hell. since when were we comparing how many ppl we knew, died?)
jm was feeling the pressure as he did not know anyone who died. then he suddenly said:" W.C DIED"
i swear, that was the loudest "wtf" i ever said in public! sorry newtown:) (inside joke)

and jm asked why arent there many young kids appearing on the obituaries. fernando was like: "thats good wad" hahaha. jm got jacked. well, being a nice guy, i explained to jm the reason unlike evil nando.
well simple. they appeared on kid central.
is it snowing? suddenly very cold.......

oh. and we thought of ways to con BK:)
wanna get a refund for chicken tenders? eat 1 of them and put a french fry into the box. and scold the aunty for only giving you 5. or if you like, eat all of them and put 6 french fries back:)
wanna get a refund for your coke? drink it half way, and add considerable amounts of ketchup and bbq sauce before adding water:)
hmmm. i feel like im running a cheat code site.
CHEAT CODES for : Final BKasy 2.1

see. i told you. holland is a good place to educate yourself!
see you ppl!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

sorry everyone. my blog has been quite dead recently. dont have time. (guess need to buy more watches so got more time) :)
everyday just study. dont even have to time to smell my armpit:( ya. but it's real stoopid. when i feel like doing sth besides studying, i feel guilty, the feeling sucks la. have not touched my racket for so long.
anyway. next week is the start of promos. all e best everyone. ( i think i should wish myself too, i need luck the most)

tags: and ya. just realized i scared all the professional sports players. hahaha. besides usain.
cong: happy? i blogged already :)

good luck wilson. (siao)
mark and caleb! meet up after promos k?

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

hey... math test was shit la. study so much, in the end still get owned. zzzzz
and im having a stupid fever, apparently there's this lump behind my mouth which disappears and comes out of nowhere again. i feel like it's playing hide and seek with my tongue "-.-
tml got training. wonder how i will survive. argh.
teachers day on friday. yes! one day less of hell in school. heh
time to meet up fatty and hohoho and gang!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

This time,This place
Misused, Mistakes
Too long, Too late
Who was I to make you wait
Just one chance
Just one breath
Just in case there's just one left'
Cause you know, you know, you know
That I love you
I have loved you all along
And I miss you
Been far away for far too long
I keep dreaming you'll be with me and you'll never go
Stop breathing if I don't see you anymore

On my knees, I'll ask
Last chance for one last dance
'Cause with you, I'd withstand
All of hell to hold your hand
I'd give it all
I'd give for us
Give anything but I won't give up
'Cause you know, you know, you know

So far away
Been far away for far too long
So far away
Been far away for far too long
But you know, you know, you know I wanted
I wanted you to stay
'Cause I needed
I need to hear you say

That I love you
I have loved you all along
And I forgive you
For being away for far too long
So keep breathing
'Cause I'm not leaving
Hold on to me and, never let me go
i think i ought to get this off my chest.
you know, all these while, my heart has been aching. to see you like this.
all this time while watching you, you always gave me insecurity. it's like you dont even care anymore.
what has happened? care to share? you are not the person i once knew. it really pains me to see you like that. i hate that i love you so...
federer. do you know, all these times while watching you on cable tv. you always gave me insecurity(when you play against nadal) it's like you dont even care about your game anymore.
what has happened? care to share? you are not the federer i once knew. it really pains me to see you like that. are you satisfied with world number 2? i really hope you do clinch back the no.1 spot.
hate that i love you so, federer...

damn NADAL... argh... my heart aches for federer...
this post is gay! arghhhhhh... lol

Thursday, July 31, 2008

long time since i finally blogged:x sorry arh, my butt was stuck in the toilet bowl, that's why couldnt blog:)
well, life has been hectic. though tennis training is reduced to once a week:( but i got other commitments, such as practice sessions for Fairfield's founders day on monday. wa. must brace myself for another round of blushing on stage :S

ytd had tennis training. 3-6pm. i learnt my mistake, which is to bring a cap! the sun was so freaking hot, even my shoes were hot! (stupid la. go buy black shoes for what?)
and i can say, almost the whole boys team got murdered. by who? no its by what. so what is it? a tennis CAN! believe it or not?! ya. we are a bunch of weaklings. better work harder boys.

yes! i finally did well for a test. weeeeee.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

i just realized that there are more girls than guys in my class!
the ratio is like 3:1!
no wonder i look like a pimp. every time around 6-7 girls. tsk tsk.
(this is an apology to guys out there if ive offended you)
~er.. srr. sorrrrry. woo.. would you pls.. forgive me?
u.. u. you know.. when i .. i grow up... i wan. awana be a tax tax taxi dri. driver!

life is so mundane. school. study. homework. sleep. school. study. homework. sleep. sian...
let me check my time table... oh! it says sleep.

so... see you suckers! ( i wonder who's the sucker here) ( yar totally agree!)

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

confucious say...

just realized that some things in life are similar to a tennis match.
many a time, ppl become nervous before a match. they are nervous about their performance, worried about the expectations and most importantly, afraid that they will lose.
but really, no one wants to go into the match thinking that they will ultimately lose. they want to win.
this brings me back to my point. there are many obstacles in life. these obstacles in the future tend to hold you back and make you indecisive. but if you are going to worry and not do a thing, life will not have meaning.
if you are given the chance now, seize it. dont think about the failures that lie ahead.
if it fails, move on. in anyways, life will ultimately come to an end, but does that mean that there is no more meaning to live? No. same applies to the little things tat happen in our lives.

most importantly, we should just cherish whatever we have now and enjoy it.
after all, winning the match is a bonus.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

3rd week of holidays

today, it really felt like holiday cos i dint touch my homework at all! yay!
not feeling guilty at all cos i guess this is what we should be doing! why bother calling it holiday if we are going to mug everyday? but oh well, cant afford to do THIS everyday :)

anyway, went to collect my specs with kat, before baking cookies.
the cookies are delicious! hmm mmm! hahaha. credits to kat of course :)

anyway. life is so clear after i got my new specs. heh!
with my new specs i can...
make out fatty chngs' figure from a far! woots!
copy answers in tests. woots!
flag the right bus down. woots!
differentiate a tennis ball from a pear. woots!
look at pretty gal, from a far. ehem. meow. woots!

Sunday, June 1, 2008


its the 2nd week of holidays. guess i must have a time table. rahh
so much things to do. well homework and revision aside(which i have not started), i also want to work out. going gym tml with nat before he flies away.
need to beef up. sometimes, i've got the feeling that i'll be blown away by the wind. so yup. to the GYM!
besides that. i also wanna work on some of my tennis strokes.
i needa get a flat serve! and i need to work on serving and volleying!
(oops. shall stop talking abt tennis. CONG YI! SEE? I LISTENED TO YOU!)

argh. there's really nth to do besides tt. oh well. guess i can get some company from mark and fatty's hse. hahah.

anyway. CONGRATS to Mr Tan and Ms liang on getting married!
(aww. mark... if only ming hui was younger!) lol.

im signing off. need to tend to stupid cuts on my heels.

Monday, May 26, 2008

will be away kayaking in the sea the next two days.
oh well, sure get chao tar. pray for safety.
till thursday. it is row row row yr boat, gently down the sea...

Saturday, May 17, 2008

beat it

lol. im addicted to the song beat it by FOB and john mayer.
anyway. ytd was a depressing day. 4-1.. it was so close.. oh well, life needs to continue. i swear to avenge my lost next year. as for my short term goal, i'll take sajc as my outlet for venting frustrations. you guys better buy insurance.

argh.. weng cheong is away in thailand. sawadicup! cup cup cup cup cup cup cup...
when weng cheong is away. the whole family goes out to play! ya. except me :(
mummy is like out enjoying herself, so is sis. and here i am stuck at home.. and BURNT!
stupid sun. why so bright? do you know i almost died? and you gave me a fright in the night. make sure you repay me with sprite! or i'll fight you with all my might and make sure you lose some dendrite.
shit la. wad the pong did i just type...

(for those who cant stand my rhyme)
would you please forgive me?
you.. you know.. when i grow up...
i wanna be a taxi driverrrrr...

arghh. CHAO TAR!!!
hmm, but maybe i did go out and play when weng cheong is away :X

Thursday, May 15, 2008

it's now or never..

tml, ACJC tennis boys are going to put everything on the line. the stakes are high. the odds are against us. but with self belief, we will pull through as a team. we will!
my first ever semi finals match.. the feeling is just so unbelievable. to be able to play for the college, it's the most honourable thing tt can happen. tml is the day we will show what a true AC warrior is.

extracted from marc's speech: " we go out there like OWN the courts. the net, the baseline, we own them! no one is going to take that from us. Any complacency that they have within them, we make them pay! there's no backing down, we will fight! for the j2s, tml is the last semi finals appearance, after this, we will not be stepping foot on these grounds anymore. for the j1s, you will have to wait another year to get back here. the time has come where we avenged our semi finals lost last year. so show me what a true AC warrior has within him! "

hell ya. im so gonna put in my very best effort. i remember my promise that i made at the very top of oldam wing. ( i will not let anyone down, i will play my very best and whatever the outcome, i will be able to hold my head up high)

the best is yet to be.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

two days more

today was match day against HCJC. won 4-1. getting pumped up for friday's match.
well. its rjc we are up against. haha. its gonna be a tough fight. better buy insurance to keep myself safe. hmm, rjc is real strong. their first 11 players are singapore's top 11 players! whoohoo. but i dont give a damn. the ball is round and we are so not going to give up without a fight.

guys remember: its not the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog!
im tired. im drained. i cant think. i cant function. tennis is the only thing getting my mind off everything else..

Monday, May 5, 2008

sumday(aka monday)

boys played SRJC today. total score: 4-1 (no more 5-0 rampage)
1st singles: nich tan: 9-0
2nd singles: levu: 9-2
1st doubles: aaron & chun hsiang: err. i dunno the score! lol but its a win!
2nd doubles : marc & i: 9-0 (yay! ><)
3rd singles: zach: 7-9 (was real close man. but he did us proud. he was against someone real solid)

playing hua chong jc on wednesday and raffles on friday. whoohoo. adrenaline rush.
anyway. rushed back skool after my match. all say share cab. then at the end pangseh!

took a photo of nathanael's nostrils by accident! lol retarded.. and my dad doesnt work at the construction side! :)

well, went back home with _ (pss. i contacted the 200 bus uncle and ask him to drive slowly :P)
saw zestin at jurong library. quite nice of him to wake me up from lala land and notify me that i will be alighting soon.

well, enough said. gotta do my maths tutorials if not i'll end up going for dc. damn.

4 days and counting to the day where we give it our all.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

just realized i have been MIAed for quite sumtime(sometime)
today both boys and girls tennis teams won their matches against innova jc and yishun jc respectively, and we are progressing to our 2nd group stage.

i can feel the tension building. its like time is running short and im still not there yet. it sucks to have a bad day on the courts, as every second is precious out there. talkin about bad days. marc and i lost to u-jin and calvin 9-5. its gettin hard to swallow down losses. (and i got sucker-punched by marc's service in the head. dont blame him though. needed to wake up, but ouch!)
no training till saturday. guess i wont be able to sit still for 2 days w/o touching my rackets.

tml is a holiday. guess i'll just relax one corner.. smoking~

if you are sad and you know it smack a fren*clap clap*

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

come on!

hi all.
had my second inter school tennis match today at TJC.
won 5-0! yeah!
singles 1: levu 9-0 (his first match! go vietnam!)
singles 2: nicholas 9-2
singles 3: zachary 9-1
doubles 1: marc and i 9-4
doubles 2: nat and kieth 9-7

well. both doubles team could have done better. but overall, it was fine. got used to playing away matches.
tml got training at ccab again from 8-11.
at night going jacon's hse to celebrate his bday. his hse is so far! sian. sure get mrt/bus lag by the time i travel there. arghh..

when i see your smile
tears roll down my face
i cant replace...

use me as you will
pull my strings just for a thrill
and i know i'll be ok
though my skies are turning gray



yup, both male and female tennis teams won their matches 5-0.
a good start indeed.
but i guess there's lots more to work on, esp my doubles. i needa shorten my back swing and be more agressive..

tml got vball match against tampines jc. hope it will also be a win.
real tired. be it mentally, physically, spiritually and even emotionally.
its real tough to have to face all this shit.
theres studies to cope with, next my sports. and other aspects of my life is equally just as screwed up. things just arent going my way.

oh well..

Monday, April 14, 2008

time flies by..

the clock is ticking real fast.
less than two days away. the biggest "career" in our whole jc life is going to begin(that's how josh puts it)
yup, its what we all have been anticipating.. the a div tennis season

playing against NJC on home ground. although its home ground, i somehow dont find it less stressful.
having a home crowd cheering you on ( if there is) is a double edged sword.
it can either motivate you more, or stress you up.
well. whatever the case, im still going to do my best, though i feel im still unprepared.
with or without supporters, it aint going to hold the acjc team back.
though we may not be as strong as our previous batches. its the believe that we have that will bring us through. and i do believe that finals is within our reach. well...
the best is yet to be..

Saturday, April 12, 2008

just bored..

1.24 am. what am i still doin online?
hmm, today hasnt been a very productive day for me. went out for training at ccab in morning. played doubles. won 9-6. satisfied? kinda. but can be better.
came back right after training. slept like a pig. and here i am blogging.
sometimes i really wonder. am i up to it? its the a levels. and yet, im not doing much about it. will i be able to promote? i dunno. but at this rate..
my very first a div. tennis match starts on this coming wed. am i up to it?
ive been asking this question for sometime. and i really do doubt my abilities at times.
the only thing that keeps me going is the team. i tell myself. i cant lose. cos i'll let the rest down. i tell myself. if i have to dive for the ball. i will. but. will this be sufficient to bring the team to the finals. i really hope it does.

next week will definitely be the most hectic week of my life. trainings after trainings. i just hope my knee can sustain. tests are coming up too. perfect.

conclusion. im pretty much screwed.

Thursday, April 10, 2008


whoo. wad a day it was today.
well, firstly, Happy Birthday to my Mother! may she live to a ripe old age and at 100 years of age, i'll still be able to see her blow the candles. :)

hmm, i actually planned for a bouqet of roses to be sent to my mummy's office today. but to my horror, my mum took leave! argh. so this is where the story begins..

after lunching at acsi, me and _ went to my mum's office. (haha, the bus ride there was.. quiet?)
well, we alighted and walked a distance. _ just couldnt walk straight.. hmm. wonder why. lol
got to my mum's office and i went into her office. her staff was kinda shocked as i just barged in. ( hahah, must have thought my mum came back to catch u slacking arh!?)
anyway, left the place as fast as i could. and there i went carrying a bouqet of roses on one hand and _ on my other side. (sure felt weird)
headed for staff club where we settled down( i dint pang seh you ok!?)
supposedly doing homework, but i guess chatting was too tempting.

so it was just yadder yadder donkey kong from 5 plus to 8.
we decided to leave when the rain subsided. walked _ to the bus stop.
(and yeah, thanks for embarrassing me countless time. grr)

_ left and so did i. on the bus home, lots of bangra workers stared at me. tsk. (never seen such pretty flowers i guess)
well, it sure is funny to hold a bouqet of flowers, walking around with _ when its not valentine's day. lol
but all in all. it was a great day.

dont worry too much k?
u ought to rest. we'll solve this together. no point panicking.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

a nice day for tennis

today the tennis teams had friendly matches at temasek poly.
met up with matthew at abt 825, who drove us(glenn, jacqueline and elizabeth) to TP.
on the way... haha, matthew blasted emo. songs on the car. super funny to hear him sing. but ya. it kinda made me emo and dampen a little bit of my fighting spirit.
therefore, pls! no emo songs before a match! damn it. lol
the line up and score for today was:
singles one: nicholas tan. win 9-5
singles two:zachary. win 9-7
doubles one: marc and wilson. win 9-5
doubles two: nathaniel and keith. win 9-4
yup! we won all our matches.
but my match got off to a shaky start. as usual, marc and i werent playing our very best tennis. but yup. somehow from 3-5 down, win won 6 games in a roll to close out the match. phew..

after that, it pissed down like shit. and we all got drenched. bill still wanted to play when it started drizzling. argh..( still say passing cloud.. lol)
anyway, the guys team later went to siglap to eat the famous "MEE POK"
wa... damn nice la. the chilli is fantastic. i perspired like hell and i think i had a swollen mouth after that.
(next time for warm ups, i think just eat mee pok can already :) )

well, went back home via mrt. and slept all the way till now.
sian. got tutorials to do. gtg!


mr owyong, mr lim, mr ganesan and robert came to acjc today.
haha. we ex fairsians or aka lau jiaos, are being called back to join in to form the fmss's crest on saturday. its meant to become a genuiness( how to spell? lol) world record. haha. lets just hope I dont screw it up!
anyway, its 13 days to competition. how do i feel? i feel like jelly. wa. i feel as though i lost both my hind limbs. but seriously, super motivated la. just hope my other team mates get back their drive.

well, i woke up late today. shit man. had to trouble my dad to fetch me to school.
hmm, but i realize one thing: my dad shld really take part in F1 racing. he drives as though... never mind, im just glad my mum applied insurance for both me and my dad. :)

had swim pe today too. kinda fun, watching chun hsiang struggle was super funny. woots. didnt mean to be evil.

oh man, i miss mark ho and fatty chng. shit. this post has become gay.
time to stop!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


everytime i read this article, it reminds me of the lowest days in my life.
so, to all fmss vballers who are still playing, please, train hard.

it sucks to lose. and it has scared me for life.

Saturday, March 29, 2008


since ages i last blogged. well. today was fun o rama.
fun? i dunno? just damn tired. marshalling duty at fmss was damn boring. watched e BB boys marched around the parade square for 1hr30 minutes before returning to ac.
went to celebrate marc's birthday (tennis captain)
eeew. it was the worst treatment i've seen given to a birthday boy!
well, everything was normal at first. but once the birthday song was over, someone from nowhere threw a plate of spaghetti right at him. well, thanks to the march camp, marc's reaction must have gotten faster cos, he managed to dodge most of the flying projectiles.
but he definitely couldnt escape from evil Aaron's clutches (vice cap... tsk.) if i m not wrong, aaron, bill, nat and keith took each one of marc's limbs and then carried him towards the Green HELL( the rubbish chute). hovering above the pile of shit, they dropped him in. ouch. after that they slammed the top shut and pushed the chute underneath the stairs so the poor fellow couldnt get out. aiyo. luckily my bday is in jan, whereby most ppl forget!
well, later on when around the campus, moving between the games and food stall. and who knows when, it was time to go home.
well, had dinner later on at vivo. was kinda random. started making the "oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooot" noise for no reason.
and after that, we went to the sky garden where we took stoopid photos. one which involves jing ming... ehem... never mind, (i must spare a thought for those underage kids reading my blog) lol!
well, nat was kinda emo most of the time. i understand why.
anyway. cheer up. its just a volleyball alright?

i need to sleep. zzzzzZZzzzZZZzz

Sunday, March 9, 2008


what a day it was!
went to fmss at around 9am to help train boys and gals. it was good to have abel coming back for training. haha
was there till 6 pm before meeting up with the council clique for dinner together with Ms Ng. met up with Joy Sim/Joy Yeo/Nat/Eunice/ and Fion before taking bus 74 to sunset way, our destination!
but something happened on the bus which kinda spoiled my mood.and here it goes:
my ez link card ran out of money, so i used coins. being in outside clothes, i guess the bus driver would wanna confirm my identity. so i asked(in chinese):
wilson: erm, xu yao kan wo the ka ma?
bus driver: fei hua
wilson( pissed off with him, took out my card and said) Student!
bus driver( with a sickening face and tone) TAB la!
wilson: tabbed the card
machine: tsk tsk
and then my ticket came out. upon collecting my ticket, i said KP.

the bus driver heard me so did some other passengers. but i couldnt be bothered.
wa. damn pissed off la. i'm very sure if the bus driver talked to me in a nicer tone, i would definitely been more than happy to produce the card.
just because you bus drivers have more "protection" ever since the the chinese high boy who punched the bus driver incident, doesnt mean you can boss ppl around
ya. i agree that i lost my cool. but come on. thats not the way to talk to passengers.

oh well. onto the dinner. (i guess i had to let out all my steam in order for the food to fill my stomach)
dinner was great. majority of the ppl turned up and they were: Joy yeo/Joy sim/nat/jm/fiona/fion/eunice/abel/mark/caleb/brian/jocelyn koh/julia foo and Ms Ng!
and btw, this wasnt just a session to meet up. it was initated to also celebrate the March baby birthday!

well, everyone was too full to gobble down any cake, but all in all, it was a real great time catching up with everyone of you!

Happy Belated Birthday to Joy Yeo and Joy Sim!
Happy Birthday in advance to Caleb and Jocelyn Koh!

and thanks guys! thanks for making the effort to come down!

anyway. tml is a long day once again
and i've yet to have my photo taking with eleanor. lol
so yups. looking forward to a new day.

so i shall end here! byeee!

3 days 2 nights

before i start blogging, i would like to congraulate a person, and he is... ME!
congrats for surviving the tennis camp which was held from friday till 7pm sunday!
this has been the most tiring camp i've ever went for yet.
well. the schedule is something like this: tennis breakfast tennis tennis tennis tennis gym tennis lunch tennis tennis tennis swimming tennis tennis tennis dinner tennis tennis tennis shower sleep. tennis... and the whole cycle repeats itself the next day.

so yup. i so surprised i'm actually sitting of my cpu, blogging!
well. overall, it was really a good camp, and the boys team definitely grown stronger.

well. its the start of holidays. guess its time for catching up with my tutorials and lecture notes. shit! why did i pon skool at jjc. argh!

nites everyone.
looking forward to tml, got photo taking session! lol
and oh. ex councillors(2007) tml got meet up dinner. if u dont know anything, pls call me! see ya!

Monday, March 3, 2008


hey ppl. here's a short post.
i'm posted to 1SC8 in acjc. but i should be transfering to another class as i changed my combinations. :(
well, nothing much happened in school, except for me staining my uniform with curry! argh. i hate white uniforms... damn! thats why i still love fmss's uni. haha

after lectures and contact time, i raced back to fmss to catch the bus heading towards CCAB. was going to watch the bboys play against Victoria Sec. what the shit! the bus was damn small la! my butt could easily take up 3 seats. ahyo. how can treat old boys like that!? tsk tsk!
anyway, the bus was travelling towards bukit timah area. being bored. we decided to be alert and try to spot Mas Selamat. lol! found no shit!

upon reaching CCAB, mark and i went for some prata to satisfy our stomachs.
and then... it was time for some vball match! wee!
well, boys won the first set 25-21. and dunno why, we switched court.
this time i was seated with a bunch of girly cboys on my left and eleanor tgt with the cgals on my right.
being curious as to why, only some cgals came, i asked our dear fren who was beside me...
wilson: where's the rest?
eleanor: ( whispered sth to jianping)
and within a few seconds, they all burst out laughing! i seriously thought someone injected laughing gas into them.
i asked eleanor wad happened and she said:
"do you know what i thought you said?"
me: no?
eleanor: i thought you asked me where are my breasts!
WAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! omgbbqlolrofl!
ahyo. kids these days... i wonder what they learn at school... eleanor eleanor, how to pass listening comprehension like that?
tsk tsk
then throughout the 2nd set. eleanor and jp keep on laughing at boys from twss.
and i added i couldnt see one of them due to the contrasting jersey colour.
and i had a bunch of gals who cant shout for nuts.
but all in all. it was a great day!
boys wont 2nd set 25-18 anyways.

oh.. it looks like it was a long post. wahahah!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

what a day!

heyo! today was my first, and also my last day of poly life! it sure felt great to be loitering about orchard while kids of my age go to school! hehehe
well. i woke up at 12pm, and went to meet mark as well as sihui.
caught up with mark first, as sihui was LATE! lol. bought tickets for Kungfu dunk!
its quite a nice show. jay chou makes lots of funny faces and noises. sometimes he looks a little spastic.( woots. i'm sure i offended a lot of girls by saying such a thing. hehe) haha. but all in all, it was nice.
pss. thanks for treating famous amos, sihui! lol ( that was a make up for being late!)
after the movie, we went window walking. went around where sihui wanted to go. mark and i sure felt like bodyguards for her. tsk tsk.
went far east, wisma, and taka too. wa... sure covered lots of places.
well, of course mark and i, being boys, dint really like walking. so... we decided to "jack" sihui with whatever she said or did. lol.
let me give examples:
sihui: (while trying out high heels) wa! i cant balance
wilson: you cant balance? well, there's always NEW BALANCE
eg2: sihui: how do you all find this cardigan?
mark: i like the "car" but not the "digan"
eg3: sihui: wa... i cant find any heels!
wilson: well, if u cant find "hills" find "mountains"!

lol. well, who wouldnt be pissed?
we left orchard around 7pm for queensway.
went to ABC market to have some food. while eating, we chatted abt lots of stuffs, esp ghosts! lol
left for home around 9 plus, sending sihui back home before i cabbed home.
phew... sure was fun. thanks guys! u guys sure are great! all the best in the routes you take!

signing off now. take care, every fren i know out there!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


its 1.44am and im still awake. haha. i ve no school... got posted to NYP, so... its holiday for me! yeah!
well, life is kinda aimless for me. let me give you some examples:
its like sniping ppl without a scope.
its like going trekking w/o a compass.
its like hunting for a treasure w/o a map.
its like... WHAT the shit am i writing? lol ya you get the point.
oh ya. lydia SUM died! someone who shares the same sir name as me! ayeeeee...
hmmm. i just realized that if i save $1 a day. by the end of the year... i would have $365 dollars! cool right!?

and i have something important to tell everyone!
even if you get the best gel/ wax or the best barber to style your hair...
its useless if you are bald!

what the shit...

Sunday, February 17, 2008


hey guys! blogging time!
yesterday was a super tiring yet fun filled day!
usual tennis and vball training lasted from 10-5pm. wah.. after that, i was in great discomfort man.
ehem. shall not elaborate on wad kind of pain though. haha
anyway...after training, i went to jacon's house together with shuyi, robin choo and allicia.
and the first thing we did was to offer oranges to jacon! and everyone greeted him loudly by saying, "happy new year!"
i decided not to be so conventional so i shouted "GONG HEI FARK CHOY!" (ya. it wasnt intentional)

ok. wadeva. the guys wanted to play tennis so we went to the tennis court. i somehow think my senses are failing me. u see, when i first saw the tennis court, i was so happy! so happy to the extend whereby i lost my footing and stumbled. rar. i almost died!
but i think playing tennis with brian and jacon around seriously put jing ming and i under the condition of "ENDANGERED SPECIES".
let me fill you guys on what exactly happened.
brian went into a frenzy and started smashing balls. jing ming thinking that it was fun decided to join in too.
well, monkey see, monkey do. and so, jacon joined in as well. and he smashed the ball right at me! WA!
it was just inches away from my FACE LA! JACON, i know u hate me but dont like that la. tsk tsk*
and ohya! courtesy of brian, we lost two balls. lol! he whacked the first ball over the fence and into a TEMPLE!
and i shit you not, i think the ball hit a monk, as there was no chanting after that! lol( im kidding)
oh well, but all in all, it was fun playing tennis with them! :)
by the time we got back to jacon's house, nat had arrived! lol and oh PPL! nat's new name is "lornie road!" jacon's house is at bukit panjang, and i really do not know how nat can end up at lornie road. sure is funny! geography confirm very bad. maybe his compass spoil.
dinner was great! we had steamboat! and i do not know how the topic of discussions went to cup sizes(ehem)
then the mahjong kaki continued their games while jm went around popping his pringles cap!
the housewarming/dinner ended off with us celebrating yiling's birthday with a cake and loaing yu sheng!
i seriously think it was the most inauspicious yu sheng i ever had. we were saying random things like: " diu leh... your mother tooot tooot... so and so no balls" ya, u get the point, dont u?
we all left jacon's house at 11 plus? and upon reaching dover mrt, jm, robin, mark and i decided to take the park connector home.
stoopid thoughts of ppl jumping out of the bushes etc came babbling through our mouths. haha
it was real dark. and i felt the most insecure, cos all of them had a weapon, or at least a racket in their hand. (mark and robin took mine! wad nice frens)

but ya. it was a safe trip, if not i wouldnt be here blogging. hahaha

alright, onto today.
well nth much happened, went to COGS in the afternoon.
and im currently blogging at my grandma's house
oh! but one funny think happened today. i was at kent ridge interchange waiting for my bus. then came this two guys. (they looked real emo, thanks to their super long side parting hair)
what caught my attention was this guy who wore this jersey, and at the back, it stated" piggy" as his name!
who the hell puts "piggy" ?
stoopidier things happened next. they were really near me, so i was listenin to their conversation
and the piggy guy said sth like this abt this gal and him:
" she knows me but i dont know her.
but she say i very handsome, very cute.
if only i was i older, she confirm stead with me"

WHAT THE SHIT! super egoistic la! so when he realized i was listening, he looked at me. me remembering one republic" new song decided to, "stop and stare"
after that, he exchanged places and told his fren i was staring, loudly, so i could hear him
the guy tried to taunt me by saying:" stare la. why? dont dare stare arh"
i was pissed. so when my bus came, i walked pass them. and the guy taunted me again by saying" not man arh"
that blew my last straw. i boarded the bus and walked to the exit where there could see me clearly. then....
i.... did a gesture to them... mailto:tooot*%5E&#$%@$
they were PISSED OFF! they tried to run after my bus. but i guess their foot sizes were too small to carry them.

well, it sure was eventful! hahah! adrenaline rush to the max!
k! its a long post. im heading off! see ya!

piggy... (giggles)

Friday, February 15, 2008


hey everyone.
just got back home. what a long and tiring day. had tennis training over at acjc from 4-7pm. and now my muscles are about to cramp. argh!
well, had dinner with fiona, shuyi and fion. and we were talking mostly abt guys with certain odd behaviours. haha! (poor fiona)
anyway,went to jjc today too, just realized that i only went school twice this week! lol.
cant believe im ponning school. hehe
oh, and i did my GREAT ESCAPE on tuesday. wahaha. which involved me running out of the school gates during school hours and daniel sim being my accomplice, helping to throw my bag over the school fence!
the security system really very lax. i think daniel and i shld do sth more challenging, like... robbing the bank? lol kidding!

well, thats all for this post.
looking forward to tml though, morning training at acjc, afternoon returning to fmss to help vball. and later on, having steamboat/house warming at JACON's house! yeah!
see ya guys!

i dont know what's wrong with you, what you are thinking and what on earth are you doing.
but i just got to let you know that your actions and thoughts are really very immature.
grow up pls?
dont think too highly of yourself.
its real silly

Monday, February 4, 2008

ponned skool again!

haha. ponned skool with jingo mingo again.
but instead of playing resident evil 4 at his house, we played tennis at nus!
met him at 10am and had to walk quite a distance. So might as well, i gave jm a mini tour. haha

anyway, i would say jm is quite natural with tennis! he even hit a shot at me! haha

after that, we went to anchor point's kungfu chicken aka KFC
and guess who we saw? we saw the same weird lady working at kfc!
and her name is ruth! lol

well, i went back to skool after browsing through queensay.
trained the bboys.
and woots, i accidentally thundered sze an's face. lol
tml they playing against chong boon. all e best guys!

Saturday, February 2, 2008

what a tiring day...

hey. i'm blogging again.
went for training at acjc at 10am.
played doubles a little and training eneded with floorball.
i almost died.

went to fmss after that.
well, i guess my chicken rice was real fragrant. hehe.
kimberly gave me the poor thing look.
yaya. i kinda tempted her with my chicken rice.
sorry la! :)

old boys played the bboys to a three set match after that.
score was 20-25, 25-20, 19-25.
we lost! argh.. and wei hong gave us, the OLD BOYS, punishment!
oh well, went for dinner with mark, abel and jing jie after that.
chat abt tonnes of stuff and laughed like crazy.

anyway. while coming home, i knocked my head against the door of the bus while alighting. ahya. my IQ definitely dropped drastically after that bump.

so guys, u better watch out for me as im going to be super random for no reasons. hee.

Friday, February 1, 2008

birthday celebration part 2

just got back home from a sumptous dinner with my council buddies.
the group consists of: nathanael, jing ming, brian, caleb, joy sim, fiona, yiling, jocelyn thong, may and myself!

they were real sweet. they bought me a cake which i dint even know about.
its either im real sotong or they are too good at deceiving!
although the waitress was a spoiler, but i was still surprised!

guys, i just wanna let you know that at that point in time i was real speechless and i couldn't express how happy i felt.
its the first time i got to celebrate with my frens/ buddies who i have came to establish such strong bonds with.
i really appreciate everyone of you for making time for this little dinner.
this dinner is one which i will always remember! thanks guys! i really enjoyed myself.
pss. thanks for giving me two wishes by relighting the candles! lol

and while having dinner, we chat over some top major secret stuff. :)
and talking abt secret, nathanael wants to name his daughter SECRET! lol
we all had a good laugh over that!
and nat and jm were so fascinated with the candles. and i accidentally added soot to the plate while trying to extinguish it. hahah!

the food was good too! esp the pizza FUNGHI and chicken wings! lol
btw, dinner was at NUS's kingfisher!

anyway, today was real great!
guys, upload the photos ya? haha


Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Happy birthday to Daniel Sim, Xin Yi and myself!
hahha just realize that there are many ppl who have the same birthday date as me!

well. thanks for the well wishes, phone calls and presents.
a big thanks to: mark sim (and all e other fairsians in jjc and fmss)

this year's birthday v quiet though.
feeling a little weird. do not know why.
was back at fmss training the c girls.
they are not too bad.
oh well. nothing much to write. i shall just treat myself to my lovely cake!
thanks everyone once again!

Hey you
I know i'm in the wrong
Time flies
When you're having fun
You wake up
Another year is gone
Twenty one

I guess you wanna know
Why I'm on the phone
Its been a day or so
I know it's kinda late
But happy birthday

Yeah yeah whoa oh
I know you .. me
Yeah yeah whoa oh
Well i miss you too
Yeah yeah i know
I know its kinda late
But happy birthday

So hard
When you're far away
It's lame but i forgot the date
I won't make the same mistake
It's all too late
Now you know
Don't hang up the phone
I wish i was at home
I know its way too late
But happy birthday

Yeah yeah whoa oh
I know you .. me
Yeah yeah whoa oh
Well i miss you too
Yeah yeah i know
I know its kinda late
But happy birthday

It's not that i don't care
You know i'll make it up to you
If i could i'd be there

Yeah yeah whoa oh
Yeah yeah whoa oh
Well I miss you too
Yeah yeah i know
I know its kinda late
But happy birthday

Yeah yeah whoa oh
I know you .. me
Yeah yeah whoa oh
Well i miss you too
Yeah yeah i know
I know its kinda late
But happy birthday
To you

click five: happy birthday

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


tennis or volleyball?
volleyball or tennis?
im real confused.
both are so loved by me.

its such a brilliant game. the game is just so challenging.
i just love the sound when the ball meets the racket.
i just love the thrill when serving and volleying.
i just love the fluffyness of the balls.

my first ever love. played it since i was P3.
the court always look so appealing.
the setting, diving, the screeching of the shoes against the floor.
everything is just so splendid

Lord, please help me choose.
please guide me after i get my results.

the great escape

Monday, January 21, 2008

fond memories

hey everyone.
sorry about not posting that often. dont really have the time and the mood to do so.
anyway. have been returning back to fmss quite frequently.
well, things arent really going very well.
vball boys lost to AMK.
many of the guys are graduating this year. i really hope they achieve heights that my batch was not capable of.
and dont worry about meeting the cats in the semis ya?
have faith!

i went back on last friday to witness the investiture rehearsal.
well, was asked to be the acting "guest of honour"

and when the SL sang the theme song, it really brought back many memories.
flash backs from my very own investiture when i was in fmss came flushing in torrents through my mind.

and tml the next batch of SLs are being brought it.
really hope they will stay together as one united body.

o level results are on thursday.
feeling a little nervous.
nothing i can do.
just pray that everything will be fine.

what happened to you? where's yr usual self?
you cant always bottle up everything.
on the outside you say you are fine. but you cant deceive me.
i know you are taking all the stress.
so why not just let it out?

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


hahah. this is the title for old boys who go back to sch to train the vball team.
cool yar?
but i still prefer to be called: LAU KIEW KING!
no one is better than me in this skill! :)

anyway, the South Zone volleyball competition has started.
hey guys. dont slack arh!? remember, those cats need a little caning from us.
i'll definitely come to watch the finals!
i wanna be the flag bearer!
so do FMSS proud ya? same goes to the other teams and other sports CCA in FMSS!

oh ya. congrats to nathanael who made it to CJ's vball team! well done!

i just had steamboat for dinner! it only cost $5! so cheap and good!
i just love NUS's food. weeee :)


well, school is fine, though looking for opportunities to skip lessons. hahhaa
results are rumoured to be coming out next week.
good or bad results, life must carry on. so just keep our fingers crossed!

my life is still kind of screwed up. i need an answer. and it must come from you. but you just arent talking...

Saturday, January 12, 2008

my 2nd post of the year... how patheic

hi everyone.
my sister isn't at home, so i'm able to use the com! yeah!

anyway, life still has not been great. yaya. i still miss fmss. who doesnt?

many of my frens are asking me to move on. yup. im trying. but its real difficult.

i feel like im a different person now.
i've become very anti social.
after two weeks of JC life, i have yet to make any frens.
whenever i try to strike off a conversation, i just cant find the confidence i used to have while in fmss.
and instead, i always take the easy way out, i end up hanging around with my fmss frens.

oh well, maybe it has nothing to do with me and my confidence, but rather, im still missing my fairfield days.
the jc im at is so different, and its so far away from fmss.
the culture is weird and the way things are run are even weirder.

and to make things worst, i feel like im being avoided by one of my frens.
what have i done to deserve this?

argh... this is super emo. damn.
i'm outta here.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

my first post of the year

hey to everyone out there!
finally have the time to blog.
well, many things happened since the new year has started.
it totally dint start off well, and i wonder what other things lie ahead which will throw me totally off track.
i'm not going to elaborate on anything as i'm really disappointed.

anyway, managed to catch up with Ms Ng and the rest for a sumptous dinner. it was real nice of her to treat us. thanks a million
ya and nathanael, its spicy kangkong. not KAHKENG!

orientation was fine. and SL, u guys have put in a commandable effort, do strive on in whatever you do!

really enjoyed myself with you guys(teachers: Ms Ng, Ms Seet, Mr Tan, Ms Tan, Lanz and his batch and the the ex fairsians!). will definitely miss everyone

and oh ya, (to deborah) thanks for the present and card!
you are the earliest one who wished my happy birthday! hahah

well, next week there will be lessons.
looking forward to cca try outs.
time to let out my frustrations!

FMSS, I thank you for changing my life. it is only now i realise how fortunate i am to have studied there.
the teachers are real awesome and seriously, i miss Ms Lim and everyone else, including friends from other levels, the canteen vendors, the cleaners and the LAB Tech too!

and to all my friends who are still studying there, do treasure your time there and cherish every single moment.

hope to see u guys soon!